Acrylic on canvas. 30x36.”
First of the Cuba series, “Girl from Regla” is a portrait of a young girl in the town of Regla, Cuba. The girl was looking through the window of artist Cesar Leal’s studio while our group visited him in March of 2018.
Acrylic on canvas. 18x24.”
Portrait of a man in Matanzas, Cuba. He was proudly sitting in the doorway of his home as I walked down a road with my polaroid camera. After taking pictures for people in the neighborhood, including his son and granddaughter, he allowed me to capture the reference for this painting.
Acrylic on panel. Round 16.”
This baby boy was holding his soccer ball as I talked to his grandmother who stands behind him. Calling him “guapo” made her laugh and smile. This was the moment after he heard her laugh and he wondered who the friendly stranger was.
Acrylic on panel. Round 8.”
Portrait of a server that worked in a cafe that was part of the art installation and studio of the Cuban artist Fuster.
Acrylic on panel. Round 8.”
Portrait of a sculptor that was part of Cuban artist Lolo’s sculpture studio and collaborative.
Acrylic on canvas. 10x10.”
Street scene in the city of Matanzas, Cuba. A man crosses the street carrying a single stem rose.
Acrylic on canvas. 20x28.”
The artist Cesar Leal lives in Regla, Cuba. Our group visited his studio where he does his politically charged paintings and also teaches art to the children of his community.
Photograph of “Portrait of Cesar” in the Columbus in Cuba exhibition in 2019. The exhibition was part of the Columbus in Cuba / Cuba in Columbus project that allowed artists from Columbus, Ohio to visit artists in Cuba. Thanks Daric Gill (on right) for the photo!